Hello, I have been a Frontier High School teacher now for twelve years now. I teach the sciences along with two other teachers, but I teach only the physical sciences; Earth and Introduction to Physical Science
Free meal service will be provided to children 1 to 18 years of age at the following locations between 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. It will be provided as a Grab & Go / curbside pick- up method; children must be physically present to receive the meal. Meals must be taken and eaten off site; there will be no congregating at the school. This is a Grab & Go/drive-thru system. Children do not need to be students of the Whittier Union High School District to receive a free meal. You may go to any location.
Meal service will not be provided the week of March 23 - March 27 (Spring Break).
- Whittier High School Meal Service – on Philadelphia Avenue near the student entrance between Whittier Ave and Lindley Ave.
- California High School Meal Service – on Hawes Street in the parking lot near the loading dock of the school cafeteria.
- Santa Fe High School Meal Service – Enter on Orr and Day Road through the Faculty parking lot and exit near the student parking lot.
- Pioneer High School Meal Service - on Benavon Street in front of the school where buses drop off.
- La Serna High School Meal Service – on Youngwood Drive through the faculty parking lot.
- Sierra Education Center Meal Service – on Mulberry Drive in front of building P – Central Kitchen.