Student Support Service Team
Frontier High School Support Services
The Frontier High School Student Support Service Department is dedicated to helping young people reach their full academic and personal potential. We are committed to supporting and assisting our students in acquiring the tools and knowledge they need to make informed decisions and live successful and fulfilling lives.
Frontier High School students are assigned Counselors by alphabetical divisions. Counselors assist students with their social, emotional, and educational development. The Counseling Office is located in Room 413. Also, our School Psychologist supports students with IEPs & our Social Worker supports schoolwide SEL (Socio Emotional Learning) needs.
Our team provides information or direct services related to:
Discipline Problems, SEL, Academic Problems, College Entrance, Family Problems, Drug Problems, Career Planning, Course Selection, Graduation, Personal Problems, Special Programs.
Student Support Service Team:
Your counselor can be reached at
562-698-8121 or
by FAX at 562-907-6945
562-698-8121 or
by FAX at 562-907-6945
Ext. 1207
For last names beginning with A - L
Mr. Tamayo
Ext. 1203
For last names beginning with M - Z
Social Worker - Mrs. Tania Carrillo, extension 1209
School Psych - Mrs. La Shauna Allen, extension 1221
Office Support Staff
Ms. Jennifer Cuellar - Registrar.................................Ext. 1210
Attendance Phone Caller .............................Ext. 1206
Ms. Lily Jimenez-Gomez - Attendance.....................Ext. 1205
Office Support Staff
Ms. Jennifer Cuellar - Registrar.................................Ext. 1210
Attendance Phone Caller .............................Ext. 1206
Ms. Lily Jimenez-Gomez - Attendance.....................Ext. 1205
Ms. Patricia Vera - Admin Clerk Sr - Enrollment.........Ext. 1240