Student Behavior
1. Students are to remain on campus during school hours.
2. Students are expected to arrive to class on time.
3. Students shall not loiter or create disturbances while classes are in session.
4. Inappropriate displays of affection are prohibited on campus.
5. Frontier dress code must be followed.
6. Respect must be shown for other people and property.
7. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the Sierra Education Campus, including Frontier and the surrounding parking lots.
8. Students may not go onto any other WUHSD campus without prior permission.
9. All visitors must first report to the Principals Office.
The following items will be confiscated if seen on campus:
1. Hats, bandannas, or other head coverings
2. CD/ipods players
3. Cellular telephones
1st Violation will result in a one-day confiscation. The item will be returned at the end of that school day.
2nd Violation will result in confiscation of the item until the end of that academic week. The item may be retrieved after school on the Friday of that week.
3rd Violation will result in confiscation of the item until the end of the academic semester. A parent/guardian will be notified, and the item may be retrieved after school on the last day of the year.
Any items not retrieved after the last day in June will become the property of FHS