Interventions- Academic and Personal
The Frontier High School Pyramid of Interventions has many facets that address both the academic and personal needs of Frontier students.
1. School Counselors - The Frontier High School Guidance Staff has an open door policy. Students are able to see their counselor without an appointment, for academic guidance.
2. Orientation Class - All students are enrolled in an Orientation class at Frontier. They are introduced to the resources available at Frontier, and their early progress is monitored.
3. Guided Study Program - The goal of the Guided Study class is to provide students with the skills, disposition, and direct supervision necessary to ensure they complete their work and begin to experience academic success. The G.S. teacher communicates with classroom teachers and has weekly contact with parent/guardian. Class size in the Guided Study class is small to ensure more personal attention for each student.
Homework, Tutoring, Earning Extra Credits at Frontier
1. School Counselors are trained in personal counseling and are available to assist students with personal concerns. Counselors have access to many outside resources, and make referrals as needed.
2. School Psychologist - A School Psychologist is on campus one day a week to work with students and is available on an as needed basis for emergencies. The School Psychologist performs academic testing, and will meet with and assess a student"s psychological needs and make referrals as necessary.
3. New Beginnings - Group counseling for substance abuse issues is available on campus three days a week. Students can see their counselor for a referral to the program.